Learn to dive without pain in your ears
Do you find it difficult to equalize between 0 and 10 meters and practically impossible when upside down? We’ve got the solution!
We partnered with Share Equalization team to offer you an amazing online course to really solve your equalisation problems and for being part of the Bonny&Gava community you get 10% off!
Equalisation: all you need to know
When you dive underwater the pressure around you rises significantly the deeper you go. This affects all the airspaces in your body (lungs, sinuses, mask, ears) but the ones you might notice the most are your ears because they can be very painful. The pain or discomfort is generated by the flexion of your eardrum.
Equalisation means restoring the volume inside your ears that will allow your eardrum to return in its neutral and pain-free position. This is achieved by a series of movements inside your body and everyone can learn.
About 40% of people instinctively can’t equalise with the correct technique but everyone can learn. Federico Mana and Giovanni Bianco have developed the first online digital platform to teach equalisation. With dedicated theory lessons and exercises they will teach you how to use the Frenzel technique, the correct technique to equalise head down in freediving.
Watch this video to hear Federico Mana, co-founder of Share Equalization, explain a bit about equalisation and his program 👇🏼
Training 🏋️♂️
23 exercises, tests, homework, assignments, videos, and a community forum
Language 🇺🇸🇮🇹🇪🇸🇫🇷
Training material in Italian, English, Spanish, and French
Online 💻
You can easily study from any device, wherever you are, you just need a connection
DIY or 1-1 🔗
The course is designed to be a DIY course online that you can do at your own pace or with 1-1 zoom calls with your instructor
Certificate 🎓
A certified instructor will evaluate your skills at the end of the journey
Your gateway to freediving 🐬
Unlock your underwater potential and learn to dive pain free
What will you learn?
Basic skills
Online content to make equalization clear, build a common language, and teach you to recognize what maneuver you use instinctively. You will learn to feel your glottis, move your tongue in the right way, and use your mouth to compress air.
Simulation of a descent
You will learn to compress air simulating head-down diving conditions.
We’ll use Phonetics to get you to recognize the feelings you’ll need to repeat while equalizing.
Lock removal
Exercises to learn how to remove the tongue and palate locks: two crucial structures for the correct performance of the Frenzel maneuver.
This live classroom is about connecting the dots, bringing together the established skills to perform a perfect and conscious Frenzel maneuver.
Say goodbye forever to ear pain underwater by learning to equalise
- Easy to follow along videos
- DIY Online course
- 15 minutes a day
- 3-4 weeks to learn the correct technique
- Infinite amazing dives ahead of you!
- 72€ price for the DIY Course
Select your preferred language and sign up now for a FREE LESSON👇🏼
My equalisation has never been easy, when I started freediving I was among the worst in the group but the love for water led me to freediving which has become my wonderful OBSESSION. I am stubborn, determined and I always go my own way to achieve what I love and I invented a equalisation protocol to help those who have the difficulties I had. My protocol met Giacomo’s ideas of international spread and IT knowledge and Sharequalization was born, the first digital platform in the world for teaching equalisation. I am proud of this platform because it concretely helps freedivers improve their self-awareness and equalisation.
I was born in Ortona, Abruzzo, and the sea has always played a fundamental role in my life, so much so that I decided to make it my profession. In 2016, I chose to specialize in one of the most “delicate” aspects of freediving, equalization. With the Moving Limits team, I helped create, in collaboration with Federico Mana and Giacomo Corda, the new Share Equalization protocols as well as the first online platform entirely dedicated to equalization. My project is to offer training 365 days a year, through courses, workshops and individual lessons online and in presence. The operational base is in Cagliari, Sardinia, plus a permanent collaboration with Y-40 (Montegrotto Terme – Padua).
Intuitive and easy
Their amazing program has already helped so many! Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your underwater dreams 🐬
Reviews by Their Students
The course is well structured and provide the student with invaluable information needed to learn the Frenzel equalization technique. Videos are clear and show in a very simple way how to reproduce the movements in an effective way. In particular I found very useful the explanations regarding the position of the tongue. This was really important for me in order to execute the Frenzel technique and I found this approach quite unique compared to the usual information I found on the internet regarding tongue blocks . Finally the Otovent protocol really helps to optimize and tie together all the introductory steps, allowing an easier automation of the equalization mechanism
Wonderful: inizialmente pensi che la modalità online non sia la più appropriata, invece il corso è strutturato in maniera perfetta, con video dimostrativi, accompagnati dalla descrizione delle sensazioni da provare in caso di corretta esecuzione. Ti accompagna, passo dopo passo, verso la conoscenza della fisiologia e, successivamente, delle tecniche di compensazione, acquisendo la consapevolezza di cosa succede. Il tutor, poi, è sempre paziente e disponibile, pronto a qualsiasi confronto. Suggerisco di abbinare il corso alle sessioni alla Y-40, naturalmente con il tutor o con Moving Limits. Fede e Mauro, poi, sono il top!! Direi che è obbligatorio fare il corso se vuoi spostare in avanti il tuo limite!
Ero totalmente incapace di compensare, ma ho sempre amato l’acqua. Frequentando uno stage di Federico Mana ho capito che si puo’ Imparare a compensare così ho deciso di cominciare un percorso con Federico sia con lezioni via Skype che con sessioni in acqua. Adesso scendo in profondità serena senza dolori in totale relax e questo per me e’ Davvero una grande gioia! Vi assicuro che tutti posso imparare a compensare e che il percorso didattico di Federico e’ davvero efficace E’ cambiato Il mio modo di stare in acqua e sono felice
Giovanni is a competent teacher and an expert in equalization techniques! From 5 mt to 18 mt was a an easy path with him! Thank you Sharequalisation!
Yesterday I had my first lesson to Y40 with Giovanni after three webinar with him and after attending the Start Evo online course. I was not able to equalize at all before the course (even if I attended another course on freediving basics). Well, Giovanni's course worked very well, I am getting confident with Frenzel and finally I went underwater few meters. Thanks Giovanni and ML to share your method and looking forward to go deeper!
Este curso me cambio la vida en el agua, no tengo palabras que decriban mi agradecimiento! Llevaba mucho tiempo intentando hace apnea sin exito, hice cursos, vi videos pero no lograba hacer el famoso click nada me servia. Finalmente encontre este curso y todo cambio! Tienen un metodo sistemico donde paso a paso te van llevando a lograr pequeños objetivos que te acercan a objetivo final! No puedo estar mas agradecida por su paciencia y comprension. Hoy finalmente me pude certificar como apneista y llegar comoda a 20mts!!! Sin ninguna duda se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo!
What is the main goal of the program?
The main goal of the program is to help you learn the correct technique to avoid pain and discomfort in your ears when you are swimming underwater. This is called the Frenzel technique.
Is there a free trial
Yes, the first lesson of the course it’s FREE! Just select your preferred language HERE and start right now
Is the program safe?
Yes, the program is designed with safety as a main priority. The program is done 100% outside of the water so you can progress and learn in a DIY course while maintaining complete safety.
Who is this program designed for?
Sharequalisation founders have created this specific course called “Start” for anyone struggling to learn to equalise their ears in the first few meters. If you already know how to equalise with Frenzel technique they also offer different courses to learn mouthfill and hands-free.
How long does the program take?
It depends on your skills and how much time you dedicate to the dry exercises, usually our customers use to complete the course in about 3 weeks to one month.
Are the videos live?
All videos are pre-recorded and there are no live dates. This means you can do the program on your own time and adapt it to fit your schedule. We made it as fully customisable as possible!
If you are struggling you can also book a 1-1 call with a Share Equalisation instructor at this LINK.
Do I need any special equipment?
To follow this course you need a mirror and an Otovent which is a small plastic device that connects a balloon to your nose and helps you simulate the pressure at depth. You can find it HERE.
How does the program work?
The program works by first giving you the necessary knowledge about equalisation and then giving you progressive exercises to gain awareness of the different elements of the Frenzel technique.
All exercises are shown both in video and text format and you can repeat them as many times as necessary. You can be sure of your progress by following the self-evaluation procedure of each exercise. Once you have mastered one movement you move to the next.
At the end of the program you can record a video of yourself and an instructor will personally evaluate your progress to check if your technique is ready for the waters.
What are the benefits of equalising Frenzel?
Frenzel is the technique that will allow you to dive head down on a breath hold without pain or discomfort in your ears!
When you manage to learn Frenzel you can dive easily deeper than 20 meters without having equalisation issues.
Can I start the program if I am a beginner?
Absolutely! The program is designed for all beginners, anyone who has not yet mastered the art of equalisation.
What if I miss a day of training?
Missing a day is not a problem. However, consistency is key to achieving your goal quickly.
The more time you can dedicate to learning this skill the faster you will master it.
How will I track my progress?
Each exercise in the program can be tagged as “Completed”, so you always know how many exercises you have done.
You can be sure of your progress by following the self-evaluation procedure of each exercise.
On top of this there is a final evaluation where you will submit a video of your equalisation and an instructor will personally check your progress.
Is there any support available during the program?
Yes, of course!! We offer support via email and in the comment section of each lesson where you can ask questions, share experiences, and get advice from others in the program. The best email to reach out to would be: academy@mlrevolution.com
How long do I have access to the program?
You have access for 12 months, which should be more than enough time to reach the end of the program and your goal of equalising Frenzel.
What languages are available?
The program is available in English 🇺🇸, Italian 🇮🇹, Spanish 🇪🇸 and French 🇫🇷.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up directly by clicking HERE. and selecting the language you want to take the course in. Simply follow the instructions and get started on your equalisation journey today!
What is the cost of the program?
Please refer to our pricing section for detailed information on the cost of the program. Find it HERE
Is there a refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of the product a refund is not possible for this product.
Do you need help?
If you have further questions, doubts or issues please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at info@bonnyandgava.com or DM on Instagram at @bonnyandgava
Still not sure?
Write to us so we can clear your doubts!